
Live Results

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Results by year


125 total participants

Men - All Divisions (82 participants)
Name Miles *Lifetime Total
Doug Kleemeier 124.0 368.7
Brian Klug 117.2 117.2
Jerry Heaps 110.0 1601.9
George Prine 108.4 511.6
Chris Nutting 101.5 797.0
Tony Villano 100.9 374.9
Leif DeVaney 100.2 269.8
Jason Chrudimsky 100.1 316.9
Thomas Sullivan 100.0 387.8
Eric Schotz 100.0 169.5
Don Sullivan 100.0 284.9
Kent Buryska 90.2 224.0
Dave Trefethen 88.4 482.1
Mike Bialick 85.0 85.0
david jones 85.0 1590.1
Jared Chrudimsky 82.5 226.6
Chris Hanson 82.1 1075.4
Tom Ingrassia 80.8 146.1
Terry Coffey 80.8 138.8
Brenner Sandberg 80.3 137.3
Edward Rousseau 78.2 2408.7
Ben Ricci 76.5 76.5
Les Martisko 75.9 1624.6
Tom Andrews 72.3 1329.2
Timothy Bowers 72.2 603.2
Mike McMonagle 69.1 69.1
Jack Prentice 68.6 249.9
John Greene 66.1 671.0
Chris Kamrath 64.0 64.0
Allen Berg 63.8 224.5
Steve Felton 63.7 653.7
Eric Sinsigalli 63.7 63.7
Derrek Matson 63.7 63.7
Dan Kimmel 63.3 201.8
Doug Franzwa 61.4 61.4
John Gustafson 55.7 55.7
Bob Frawley 55.2 1137.5
Richard Schroers 55.1 55.1
Ryan Peterson 55.1 55.1
Andrew Lamers 55.0 101.8
Christopher Heyer 53.6 150.8
Ross Jilk 53.1 119.8
Mike Gengler 53.0 53.0
Bayard Gennert 53.0 262.4
Dan LaPlante 53.0 234.6
Scott Kelley 51.9 51.9
Eugene Bruckert 51.1 114.9
Aaron Boike 51.0 51.0
David Reno 50.9 190.5
Karl Benson 47.7 472.7
Bob Jaskowiak 47.2 47.2
David Daubert 44.5 289.1
Steven Clinton 44.5 234.2
Jesse Tordsen 44.5 44.5
Jerry Young 44.5 44.5
Greg Kleindl 43.1 547.6
David Coligado 40.3 40.3
James Bujold 40.2 93.7
Hendrie Grant 40.2 102.4
Kelcey Knott 40.2 40.2
Kevin Wilde 39.5 1142.5
Keith Hardy 38.4 1025.1
Mike Ewaldt 35.9 35.9
Paul Carringer 35.9 35.9
Phil Aaron 35.3 287.6
David Anthes 33.8 83.9
Kenneth Bonneville 33.6 33.6
Chris Tartaka 33.3 190.5
David Holmen 32.4 832.5
Bora Khem 32.2 32.2
Ed Korkia 29.5 1580.0
Andrew Sandor 29.5 29.5
Terry Sullivan 27.4 251.2
Christopher Hutton 27.4 105.5
Eugene Defronzo 27.4 93.6
Lenny Crouse 26.9 26.9
William Sievert 21.8 21.8
Kevin Hershey 21.6 21.6
William Bengtson 21.0 71.1
David Clark 18.8 18.8
Matt Hilby 12.4 77.7
Bruce Leasure -40.2 -98.8
Women - All Divisions (43 participants)
Name Miles *Lifetime Total
Courtney Dauwalter 123.6 228.6
Sonya Decker 118.8 396.3
Susan Olsen 103.2 2685.4
Karen Gall 91.9 617.5
Deb Robinson 86.3 727.5
Melissa Gettel 84.1 172.3
Melissa Kelley 80.8 80.8
Elizabeth Swartout 75.6 202.2
Carolyn Smith 70.6 443.2
Whitney Meredith 69.9 69.9
Stephanie Werner (Hagen) 64.8 238.3
Cortney Bohnen 63.7 63.7
Karen Bohnen 63.7 63.7
Tammy Massie 63.0 63.0
Jodi Jalowitz 60.9 60.9
Joan Nyhus 60.7 60.7
Lisa Millam 60.0 320.8
Amy Clark 58.9 58.9
Barbara Bengtson 57.8 581.8
Laurie Schneider 56.8 239.9
Rasa Troup 54.0 54.0
Barbara J Curnow 53.0 1198.3
Haley Bengtson 50.9 170.9
Kelly Baker 50.9 50.9
Nichole Ronnan 42.3 42.3
Kelly Tabara (Popko) 41.2 212.7
Linda Beduhn 40.2 40.2
Jamie Klemenhagen 40.2 70.7
Julie Branden 36.0 36.0
Melanie Dickman 35.9 35.9
Erin Warshaw 35.8 198.7
Evelyn Smith 35.5 220.3
Angela Mclean 35.4 626.4
Christina Anthes 31.6 31.6
Leann Young 29.1 29.1
Katie Vandecar 28.6 28.6
Amy Peterson 27.4 27.4
Kathryn Rachar 27.4 27.4
Elizabeth (E) Fischer-Drew 27.2 1361.3
Chee Lor 25.1 25.1
Julie Graves 20.4 20.4
Grace Werner 14.5 14.5
Rachel Young 14.5 14.5

*Lifetime Total is as of the current result year.

Results by participant

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