
Live Results

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Results by year


77 total participants

Men - All Divisions (55 participants)
Name Miles *Lifetime Total
Tom Andrews 111.5 460.6
John Hynnek 108.8 108.8
Jerry Heaps 106.1 361.9
Roland Ring-Jarvi 103.3 382.9
Edward Rousseau 100.8 640.9
Mike Gerke 100.8 100.8
Mike Proctor 96.9 96.9
Dan Shannon 94.6 486.3
Ed Korkia 93.4 517.7
Gordon Chace 87.7 87.7
Peter Butler 84.4 538.4
Hal Gensler 82.3 82.3
Frank MacMillan 81.7 81.7
Bob Skomars 80.5 151.3
Kevin Wilde 80.3 249.4
Paul Gionfriddo 80.1 156.4
Burt Carlson 78.3 432.0
Jim O'Connor 78.3 507.6
Ross Hamernik 76.3 149.8
Tom Huberty 73.8 238.0
Gerald Souter 70.8 305.0
Gordy Hawkins 70.8 70.8
Donald Diesen 70.4 215.8
Bob Slate 69.4 69.4
David Phillips 67.9 440.3
Greg Bores 66.7 66.7
Roger Dupey 66.4 438.2
Tom Johnson 65.4 65.4
Larry Ochsendorf 65.4 65.4
Jim Stellon 65.4 128.6
Jeffrey Kathan 64.6 64.6
Ken Priddy 62.6 62.6
John Ryder 62.6 377.0
Paul Robinson 62.6 125.2
Bob Carrigan 62.6 221.1
Keith Kehn 57.2 209.7
Joseph Valenta 57.2 158.0
David Hughes 54.5 106.2
Les Honstad 54.5 190.6
Stephen McLaughlin 54.5 54.5
Wendell Doman 54.5 160.8
Brad Drake 51.7 157.2
David Giger 51.7 51.7
Markus Bosch 51.7 401.2
Richard Abbott 51.7 51.7
Bruce Osran 51.7 385.5
Bill Sergeant 51.7 114.3
DICK HOGAN 50.3 340.9
Terrence Stockton 50.0 50.0
Pat Gorman 46.3 111.7
Matthew Beach 46.3 46.3
Jake Czapawski 43.6 43.6
Russ Scott 43.6 139.0
Tom O'Shaughnessy 32.7 132.2
Scott Cabot 10.9 10.9
Women - All Divisions (22 participants)
Name Miles *Lifetime Total
Debbie Bennett 117.7 228.0
Mary ann Malakowsky 93.9 93.9
Teresa Krall 87.2 87.2
Linda Gentling 86.2 462.5
Carolyn Zazubek 83.7 138.2
Annette LeDuc 82.3 157.1
Nancy Berdan (Gilbert) 73.5 73.5
Carey Stoneking 73.5 130.7
Dara Dattalo 65.4 172.6
Eva Ferris 65.1 65.1
Susan Olsen 62.9 561.6
Barbara J Curnow 62.6 62.6
Debi Hogan (Sassman) 59.7 294.5
Kris Dupey 58.2 180.1
Elizabeth (E) Fischer-Drew 51.7 51.7
Pamela Aerts 51.7 51.7
Deb Sloan 51.7 106.2
Barbara Vanskike 51.7 120.6
Ginger Spice 50.0 50.0
Barb Dahl (Fletcher) 40.8 186.1
Colleen O'Shaughnessy 31.5 60.7
Sarah Tynes (Spelt) 27.2 27.2

*Lifetime Total is as of the current result year.

Results by participant

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Lifetime Miles

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