
Live Results

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Results by year


107 total participants

Men - All Divisions (85 participants)
Name Miles *Lifetime Total
Rick Lindquist 122.4 206.8
Danny Ripka 114.7 241.3
Edward Rousseau 104.0 816.3
Leo Buckvold 103.5 103.5
John Ryder 101.1 540.7
Bob Stavig 100.8 321.5
Patrick Folman 100.8 100.8
Paul Hasse 100.8 100.8
John Hynnek 97.8 308.4
Greg Albrecht 92.9 178.8
Larry Ochsendorf 92.7 278.2
Harvey Lewis 92.4 173.7
Mick Justin 90.2 140.2
Sam Lucido 87.2 87.2
J. Mike MIllonig 86.9 86.9
Mike Hunger 86.2 124.3
Steve Brandt 85.0 85.0
James Grode 84.4 160.7
Tim Whisler 81.7 81.7
Ken Zak 81.7 160.3
Dick Canterbury 80.0 157.1
Tom Huberty 79.1 317.1
Tom Moeller 76.3 158.0
Peter Butler 76.3 690.5
Paul Sackett 76.3 76.3
Mark Laub 74.3 236.6
Tom Lundgren 73.5 73.5
Frank MacMillan 73.5 251.8
Ed Hazelwood 71.8 71.8
Jerry Heaps 71.1 537.6
Jeff Bostow 70.8 144.3
Burt Carlson 68.1 500.1
Jim Farm 65.4 65.4
Ed Dallmann 65.4 148.6
Roger Friede 65.4 138.9
Jim Perry 65.4 145.4
Jim Stellon 64.6 265.8
Rodney Reisnouer 62.6 149.8
Gene Turnipseed 62.6 138.9
Hal Gensler 62.6 218.4
Joe Hildebrand 62.6 92.5
Ed Korkia 62.6 642.9
Tom Schmaltz 61.4 61.4
Mike Goodoien 59.9 111.6
Randy Gehring 57.7 57.7
Jay Huneycutt 57.5 92.9
Gary Korby 57.2 57.2
Andy Nordeen 57.2 57.2
Rudolph Aguilar 57.2 261.5
Val Landwehr 54.5 136.3
David Hughes 54.5 209.7
DICK HOGAN 54.5 447.1
Mike LeDuc 53.7 53.7
Donald Diesen 53.5 344.6
Steve Frawley 51.7 51.7
David Griebel 51.7 51.7
Greg Bores 51.7 191.9
Maynard Legace 51.7 133.4
Stephen McLaughlin 51.7 157.9
James Krips 51.7 51.7
Dan Shannon 51.7 640.8
Gerald Souter 51.7 430.5
Kevin Wilde 51.7 301.1
Brian Lindquist 49.0 160.6
Keith Hardy 49.0 314.7
Roger Dupey 46.3 545.7
Jeffrey Kathan 46.3 188.2
Robert Thorbus 46.3 46.3
Brad Johnson 40.8 118.9
George Fink 40.8 40.8
Markus Bosch 40.8 493.7
Don Berdan 40.8 40.8
Dale Brewer 40.8 40.8
Paul Staszewsky 38.1 38.1
Bob Skomars 38.1 225.8
Bill Sergeant 35.4 149.7
David Phillips 35.4 540.1
Ronald Trapp 35.4 35.4
John Surdyk 35.4 35.4
Scott Cabot 35.4 46.3
Dave Just 35.4 103.5
Jim O'Connor 35.4 605.6
Tom Lucy 29.9 62.6
Terrence Stockton 29.9 129.9
Paul Robinson 21.8 187.8
Women - All Divisions (22 participants)
Name Miles *Lifetime Total
Susan Olsen 123.2 795.3
Bonnie Busch 105.3 105.3
Carolyn Zazubek 84.5 222.7
Elizabeth (E) Fischer-Drew 83.0 206.6
Jamie Huneycutt 81.5 133.2
Jane Laub 74.3 145.1
Annette LeDuc 69.4 303.0
Catherine Alvery (Neary) 65.4 142.7
Deb Sloan 62.6 231.4
Sue Kainulainen 59.9 59.9
Barbara Bengtson 55.3 105.3
Barbara J Curnow 54.5 182.5
Carey Stoneking 54.5 185.2
Paula Scutkowski 51.7 51.7
Nancy Berdan (Gilbert) 51.7 215.4
Janene Amdahl 49.0 49.0
Lisa Novotny 49.0 49.0
Lisa Newton 49.0 49.0
Amy Wilkins Larson 49.0 49.0
Dara Dattalo 43.6 286.6
Kris Dupey 38.1 273.5
Audrey Stockton 19.0 51.7

*Lifetime Total is as of the current result year.

Results by participant

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Lifetime Miles

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